Thursday, August 19, 2010

I have been thinking lately!!!!

I have been thinking lately........and I think that a few of my favourite things in the world, besides Starzia and everything she does.....are rainbows, especially double ones, Stars (of course!!), fire works, fairy lights, the ocean at any time of the day or year and sunsets/sunrises!!!! Just all breathtaking!!!!! Oh and love....real uncomplicated precious love in all its shapes and sizes. Love of a friend, a colour, a rainbow, being creative, a man, a child, a daughter...............

The wonderful, creative and amazing Jessica Swift is designing my whole business look and image and I am thoroughly blown away by her talent and her work. She is incredible to work with and makes you feel like you are her one and only and special client!!! Amazing!!!!
I am so excited by what she has done so far and can't wait for the rest to unfold!!

Also so much has been happening lately regarding our business.........sewing is happening, painting, combining art and fashion and design and love and and and and is so exciting!!!!!!! I can't wait to take photos, and work out how to shrink them in less than 3 hours so that I can put them up on my blog for you to see and also become excited and captivated!!!!! ( Hence no photo's or images now...sorry!)

I have also been overawed at all the support, help, shoves and encouragement I have received from everyone around me for Starzia's and my new business. It is absolutely humbling and beautiful and amazing all at once. So thank you to you all!!!!!!!
I must say a special thank you to my twin sister who thinks I have 10 hands, 5 heads and 6 bodies in order to do all that she encourages me to do!!!!!! I love her enthusiasm and total support of what I am doing and her complete faith and love in me. She is amazing!!!!

With love as a what you do and do what you love. Love yourself and all the amazing people and things around you. Love each and every day as an opportunity to do all you can, when you can, enjoying every precious moment.

I love you Starzia.


1 comment:

  1. Oh I miss you! And love our catch ups and spontaneous coffees! Will have to get back to those for sure - the Vagnonis leave on sunday and ma and pa kettle leave on monday - and then I'm back to a semi quiet house!!! I am soooo keen to work on that big canvas and get some painting done - but especially THE CARDS!!!
    See you at swimming? If not before - then I'll call you

    xxx D (mwah)
